Mario Ramirez Mario Ramirez

40+ Super Dates for 2020 Weddings

40+ Super Dates for 2020 Weddings

There was this episode in the Big Bang Theory ( a popular tv show in the USA), Sheldon (a character in the show) describes a wedding date (the 12th of May) as romantic because it has a specific property to Math and Science ( he is a senior theoretical physicist) and i am not smart enough to explain why .


This got me thinking of my upcoming weddings in 2020 ( yes you should start to book soon as it seems 2020 will be a wedding packed year or you thought only you saw the 2020 and said BINGO ).

There are many significant dates associated with weddings. Some popular dates are those with symmetry, others the traditional , many with personal meaning and memories. 2020 is FULL of them all.

I compiled a list of such dates. Hopefully, it can help you find a date that will click to you and help you create wonderful memories.


The Traditional
2 14 20 Valentine's Day

The Long Holiday Weekends in the USA
Washington's Birthday: third Monday in February
Memorial Day: last Monday in May
Labor Day: first Monday in September
Columbus Day: second Monday in October
Veterans Day


The Obvious
1 20 20 This one is double 1x20=20
2 20 20
3 20 20
4 20 20
5 20 20
6 20 20
7 20 20
8 20 20
9 20 20
10 20 20
11 20 20
12 20 20

The Easy to Remember ( for the Grooms it would be helpful )
1 1 20
2 2 20
3 3 20
4 4 20
5 5 20
6 6 20
7 7 20
8 8 20
9 9 20
10 10 20 This one is double 10+10=20
11 11 20
12 12 20

The Mathy ( these will have you guest guessing for a bit then Bazinga )
2 10 20 2*10=20
4 5 20 4*5=20
5 4 20 5*4=20
9 11 20 9+11=20
11 9 20 11+9=20
8 12 20 8+12=20
12 8 20 12+8=20
1 19 20 1+19=20
2 18 20 2+18=20
3 17 20 3+17=20
4 16 20 4+16=20
5 15 20 5+15=20
6 14 20 6+14=20
7 13 20 7+13=20


If you are from a different country you may write your dates different and have more combination, if you use the day-month-year format ( most of the world does ) you have a whole new set like 12-8-20. I am not going to list them all but you get the idea.

There more than 40 dates on this list but so many more can be made , can you find any others please list them in the comments below as i would love to share it with my 2020 couple.

Ultimately the date is not as important as the couple , but it could be part of the memory and be a cute , specific or joke that will last until the end of time.


Contact 702.608.6626

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Mario Ramirez Mario Ramirez

Las Vegas Wedding Venue Spotlight - The Grove

Las Vegas Wedding Venue Spotlight - The Grove

While pretty much every aspect of a wedding is optional, from wearing a suit instead of a dress to ditching the flowers to forgoing the wedding cake, there's one thing you can't skip: a venue! After all, you've got to have somewhere for your friends and family to gather and celebrate!


But finding the perfect venue isn't easy. There are so many options in Las Vegas to choose from, whether you're looking for an elegant ballroom, a cozy restaurant, or a quiet golf course. So we want to share some of the venues we have photographed at and our experiences to maybe help you may find that special place.


Today’s Spotlight is The Grove - Weddings, Banquets & Special Event .

The Grove is a unique outdoor wedding and reception venue, located minutes from the Las Vegas Strip.  They are an affordable all-inclusive Wedding and Reception venue with several packages to chose from. 


Their staff is A+ and extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Every little detail is handles with the care your wedding deserves.

They have two reception rooms for you to chose from.



If you would like more information please visit there web page



Contact 702.608.6626

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